Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Round Holes, Square Pegs

In my generation, girls were still taught to be polite. That meant if a girl was rude to you, you did something really bad to piss her off. I would say, as a guy, the very worst thing a girl could say to you is “I’m trying hard to not be rude to you.” In other words, she’s thinking something awful about you, and you’re being pushy and whatever it is you want from her isn’t going to happen.
Rejection like that cuts deeps. I mean, essentially she’s wondering aloud why you persist on something she is saying out loud. But as most of us know, something you can’t have makes us pursue more.
I would say to you folks, don’t do it. Let it go as best as you can. Because here’s the thing, women who break that barrier of “letting you down” gently and being really harsh is a Grand Canyon’s leap. It takes them a while to get there. Because, although flattered, they understand that their time isn’t to be wasted on a lost cause. That’s the arrogance (and prerogative) of women.
Look, rejection sucks for everyone. Jobs you want, the team you didn’t make, the girl or guy you wanted. You can conjure up so many things, which makes us all unique. What you should, and as you get older like me, realize is that there are plenty of people who will make you much happier. Attempting to cram square pegs in round holes gets ugly fast.
I wish you happiness.

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