Thursday, March 10, 2016

Don't Be Cookie Cutter

What's been driving me nuts these days...fucking artist being weird to break some mold. There's no meaning to their abstraction, only that they are content with weird.

The one thing you must constantly battle in this town, is not be cookie cutter. Not go against the grain, simply to go against the grain, but lately assholes have been wanting everything to be the same. The math is pretty clear, the more repetitive it is, the more it's a trend. And people don't even realize they do it. Social media destroys one's individuality, since it causes a feeling of abandonment if you choose to voice your own opinion. We're too dumb to realize that's what we're sliding into. Yes, I realize you can be...just conform to what everyone else likes because then you're labeled a contrarian. Don't be that person. Stand up for what you in your heart believe is good. Stop listening to the music that is produced today for teens, because you will never be hip in their eyes. The point allow yourself back the individuality. Unfortunately, the more people you allow into your world, the worst it gets. You now have to placate two families instead of one. And their relatives. And their friends. You're fucked.

Social media, what was deemed an opportunity to bond with far away friends, families and lost connections, seems to be driving a larger wedge into our lives. The solution is to turn if off, and spend some quiet time, just to reflect on your life. I think that's why I write in this blog. I prefer to not regurgitate television shows,

We don't have that much time on this Earth. Simply put, experiences not behind a monitor is much more enriching that being hooked up to electronics. That's what they do when you're unable to function anymore as a person on their death bed. Then someone else will have to pull the plug. Eventually.

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