Sunday, March 27, 2016

I'm Not That Interesting

I know people have a massive problem with their own privacy. I'm sure as I share here, the government can pick and choose what they want to read into my rants. And make a judgement based on it. Be honest, if we were in commie-anywhere, I'd be beaten with a baton, dragged to a gulag and I'd have to use my own blood to write my memoirs on the wall to later be found by some liberator who will praise me as a fighter of justice and freedom (when in reality it was just to beat away boredom).

I think the more freedoms we're given here in the great UNITED States of America, the more people think they're being trampled on. Bitch, this country is boss. We're given so many freedoms already, people don't realize how bad bad can get. Because most of these assholes are middle to upper middle class college edu-ma-cated turds. I was one of those turds. But I had to grow up fast. Or at least try to. The issue is, NONE of us really want to do much for what we get. This whole thing about people infringing on your privacy. Big news, if you have a brain, you get no quarter. Because you should speak up. Post a blog, and angrily bitch about how crap the world is. It's your right. But the minute you open your big fat mouth, you wave that right to privacy, got what you want. Someone is interested.

I've got no aspirations to overthrow this government or any other. I'm too busy trying to stave off headaches from the satellite dishes spying on me. Just kidding. People have already spied on you. They're called your parents. And they probably have more access than any NSA garbage. By the way, what do you think they do with your information? Is your secrecy to conceal your awful self? People should know the real you. The real real shitty you. Then we wouldn't all feel so alone.

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