Monday, March 7, 2016

"Far From The Madding Crowd" (2015)

Surprised this didn't get an Oscar push. It's ripe for that shit.
I would think it would be “maddening” crowd, instead of “madding” but what the fuck do I know? Half the shit I write is misspelled.
This should be renamed “The Cuckold Of The Century” Carey Mulligan stars as Bathsheba Everdene, a strong willed woman with real feminine wiles. That is…to act like a pushy, bossy dude. There are three men who respond to her Gabriel Oak, Boldswood and Troy. Each with very specific types to attract Everdene. Gabriel is a simple farm boy whose dream to live quietly on his massive acres of land gets sidetracked into being the sheep herder of the newly inherited fortune of Everdene. Boldswood, the middle aged next door neighbor of the farm, and Troy, a soldier who stumbles upon the Everdene farm after fumbling around the night.
At first you think she’s just a whore, flirting with her sexuality to get men enticed. But soon realize, she’s actually pretty naïve to the attention men give her. When she simply wants to keep a farm running.
Fortunes are gained, and fortunes lost, and we keep guessing whom she will ultimately end up with. It’s a nice web that gets weaved and she does get crushed under some of the weight.
But alas, this is a romance, and a sweeping tale that gets hearts aflutter, if you don’t consider…um…that she does make terrible decisions. But women will side with romance. I side with “what a whore!” But that’s just me. Carey Mulligan is a great choice. She has an Earthy look that would resemble women of that time. Versus, say…Nicole Kidman with dirt on her face. Her teeth are too nice.

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