Sunday, March 27, 2016

California Miminum Wage Boost

California passed a tentative deal to go higher in minimum wage. Labor unions and the state did this.
Motherfuckers are determined to drive EVERY company out of California. Or discourage fast food. What the brown voters don't seem to understand is...most of the money of minimum wagers don't stay in state. The simple truth is, raising this wage means prices go up. Prices that go up means the guys on the fringe get dumped. That means more people leave, and then this place becomes s dustbowl, like that country beneath us.

The government is not smarter than you. Though  system should be in place, this democracy is now ruled by the a majority we couldn't fathom. If you ever wanted to see this place gutted from the inside out, watch California closely.

This also means MORE under the table work force. People who will require MORE jobs and so forth. I get on the face, it's a nice thought. "gimme more money so I can live." Or you can leave. The system is printing a phantom amount of dough companies cannot sustain. Especially with the OTHER garbage California introduces. This state is a losing fucking hole. And the slide is coming fast.

Oh, going back to why I'm being dumped. The lower middle class is in the trenches to live. I wouldn't say fringe living but it's enough. When the lower class gets lifted...say...that means it's my responsibility to get a better job. Never mind...we should encourage fast food workers to get out of THEIR hole. Nope, it's college educated kids coming out of school that are going to REALLY feel this. So, they essentially told me "you need to get out of YOUR rut." Though their rut is lower.

This is how California thinks. That's how I got chosen for jury duty. Because the ones that whined the most, got the grease.

This is the dumbest thing this state has done...made even more shocking since I didn't think we could get lower.

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