Monday, March 28, 2016

Transgender Bathroom Law

So now you have to use the bathroom that is identified on your birth certificate.
Buddy, good luck reading Chinese.

Anyway, we're really wasting out time on the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. We've gone off the fucking path. We're so lost we'll never find our way back.
Now the ACLU is suing. And clogging up real justice and blah blah blah.

God humanity is disappointing. When I was a kid, I don't recall one of these moments. Not in the news, not in word of mouth...nothing. Just now...everyone wants the world to cater to them, instead of adapt to everyone else. And they see me as the sheep. That's what's sad. This selfish society we are in now wants what it wants, when it wants it. Starting with Burger King having it your way. Guess what we made ourselves into? Spoiled crybaby brats. The government is a bunch of cool parents unwilling to backhand us. Well, except me. They love to slap me around. But I'm no victim. Yes, I bitch and moan, but that's to draw attention to me NOT publicly bitching and getting the shaft anyway. I don't expect say...the court in my jury duty case to bend for me. Nope, but others do. In fact they insist and most likely in the future, will get a lawsuit over it.

For now...goddamn it, learn to adapt. Just use the damn toilet and get the fuck out. It's not like you're planning on living there. Save your energy for something that will make a difference. S'like no one has ever heard of "picking you battles." Everything is a battle to special interest groups.

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