Friday, March 11, 2016

Everyone Thinks They're Winning If They're Against Trump

So much for that "ignore the bully" shit your Ma told you. They'll go away. And so forth. The more you morons post against Trump, the more press he gets. Shit, even this little rant probably reaches a few people. I'm not saying vote for or against, I just know these little stunts people pull to get people to hate Trump makes him more in the news. FREE advertisement. People who hate Trump and blare it out are the dumbest people on the planet.

Okay, here's why. You ever have a girlfriend who dumped you for another guy, and then when you talked shit about the other guy what the FUCK did that bitch do?
Give up.
Defend the dumb fucking guy.
THAT'S the problem with you people who do that. The more you criticize, the more his fans double down. That's human nature. They love to love him. I know, it's fucking weird, and aggravating. So for women who hate them, this is what it feels like when you do this to guys.

So what's the solution, you say?
Give him enough rope to hang himself. DO NOT play his games. They're reckless and comically stupid. You won't win going down to his level. You certainly won't win if Hilary is your candidate. She's carries too much baggage. Go for Bernie.

That said...enjoy the circus you've all created. This is getting dumber and dumber. And to think you all still believe it makes a difference.

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