Friday, March 11, 2016

Apple Encryption Fiasco

So those filthy animals in San Bernardino who murdered their office pals have iPhones that are encrypted. And, the Feds don't want try too many things before they lose the information forever. But now...Apple doesn't want to do that because they would jeopardize their policy of security. And they sent out an email..."they" meaning Tim Cook CEO of Apple:
"At stake is the data security of hundreds of millions of law-abiding people and setting a dangerous precedent that threatens everyone’s civil liberties.”
The question and answer posting acknowledges that it is technically possible for Apple to do what the judge ordered, but that it’s “something we believe is too dangerous to do.”

Hey assholes, the fact that they used YOUR shitty product is already a black eye to your company. Fuck your iPhone. I don't own one. So your stance isn't all that altruistic. It's so that more people buy your product. What was Apple's stance when these people were gunned down? That, they could prevent other attacks or communications with these mass shooters if they cooperated. When has national security/justice not trumped money? Or are we this obvious now. What you're saying is using this platform to show how amazing your product is. Well, that message is sent. Good for you. I couldn't sleep well knowing I made my money from these two morons who preferred iPhones to carry out their terrorist activities.

I would say, as Obama has chimed in, sometimes doing the right thing means more than doing the right for you thing. Don't hide behind some constitutional right that you believe exists in all Americans. Apparently, these two weren't supporters, yet Apple defends their supposed rights. That's garbage. I hope the victims of this tragedy speak out against Apple and their willingness to harbor terrorist communication (yes, I realize how absurd this is...but then again, so is their stance on public safety over commerce).

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