Friday, September 22, 2017

Why America Hates The Emmy's

There's been a ton of theories as to why the Emmy's ratings are falling.
Something else I've been thinking about...there are just too many fucking channels now. Back in the day when talent had to compete to get air time and shows, you got some real people doing real shit. The cream of the crop rose to the top. You couldn't be some lame wad who slipped into the system, because it was regarded as a barrier to content. Whilst the content got worse, the field got wider. True, a lot of us peons excited ourselves with the possibilities of breaking that ceiling. And a lot of social media personalities have. It doesn't require the talent that once was to make anything. So it became this pool of movie actors doing double duty into television world. I guess they figure if they can't win an Oscar... you know anyone who has ever seen "Atlanta" Yet, it's praised as genius. By whom? Guilty ridden Hollywood pushing Black agenda to get their civil liberty friends off their back. We vote for Black therefore we are united. Is this payback for "A.K.A. Pablo" or '"American Girl" or...well fill in the ethnicity that failed when White (cough..Jews...) were running Hollywood. No one cares about Donald Glover. He's not funny. He's a corny Black nerd. The novelty of the month, I guess. Look folks brown and black folk are funny. When I was watching shows, Red Foxx was tearing shit up. As was Jimmy Walker. Somehow Glover's antics seem pandering. The Saturday Night Live Halfway House placement. So he was on that show so he MUST be funny. Maybe. Maybe to a lot of people. I really don't see it. Neither does America.
Which illustrates the most awful of entertainment...they are honoring themselves being entertainers, and feeling entitled to it.

Can you ever imagine Sinatra, Dean Martin or Lucille Ball or Don Rickles thinking any of this was serious? Guess what this generation does? Bitterly jokes about politics. The former guys did it with class and drunken fun. This generation is so bitter and angry, it's hard to digest. For all of America. Because let's face it, back in those days, they blasted Nixon, but were smart enough to enjoy a drink while doing so. Stephen Colbert is painful to watch whichever side you're with. He's a carnival barker with nothing to offer. And annoying. Because he does have an agenda. Dick Cavett was really liberal, but allowed his shows to be fun. It gets really tiresome to be this angry and rally up angry people. People eventually tune out.

That's where the Emmy's are now.

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