Thursday, September 7, 2017

Nydia Han: Philly Sucks

Hey Nydia, you know your city threw snow balls at Santa Claus during an Eagles game? The fuck do you think you're at?

From her whining story:

Nydia Han a reporter and anchor at Philadelphia’s 6ABC Action News, took to Facebook on Sunday to describe a moment that made her feel like an outsider in her own city.
Han, a Korean-American with more than two decades of experience in broadcast journalism, was almost hit by a car while crossing a Philadelphia street Friday night on a green light.
“A driver, coming the opposite direction on Locust, flew around the corner to make a left turn — clearly did not see me — screeched to a halt and missed hitting me by about half a foot,” Han says in the video, which currently has over 1.4 million views. 
The two exchanged a few words about who had the right of way at the intersection. Then the driver drove off and shouted, “This is America!” 
The casual, cutting remark left Han shook but determined to speak out.
“It’s those three words ― ‘this is America’ ― that I would like to respond to since this woman did not give me the courtesy to allow me to respond to her at the scene.” “So, yes, this is America. I am American. Born and raised.

I know America in ways that you probably don’t and never will, I have seen Americans suffer and grieve. I have seen Americans rejoice and show resilience and recover. I have seen America at its best and at its worst, so I know ‘this is America’ ― you do not have to tell me that.'"
Pointing directly to her own face, Han challenges the driver to think twice before making assumptions about who gets to call themselves American. Did you think that this face would not stand up against you? Against racism? And against ignorance? Well, you were wrong,” Han says. “I am Asian-American. I am strong, I am proud and I am speaking out against you today."

So are you just an American or Asian-American? Right, you're an American, but you call yourself an Asian-American. Lady...we get it...your feelings were hurt because some idiot in Philly blasted you for your distinct features that you're so proud of. In Ohio, I got this shit A LOT. It sucked because you just never knew when it would come. So now when you face it head on and were blind-sided. Yeah it sucked. But you aren't a hero because you said you stood up to ignorance. You'd be a hero if you pulled this bigot from her car and it was on fire and she still called you names or whatever. We're getting to a point where when someone doesn't even do anything you can be outraged and take it to the social media world. Guess what your "fans" aren't going to tell you? Grow the fuck up and get a tougher skin. Your anchor world already blows for women.

Marrying a dumb old stupid goofy grey haired White guy. Can you hate your race any more than this?

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