Monday, September 25, 2017

NFL Protests, It's Your Ass

Football players aren't bright. Neither are soldiers. You wonder why they recruit in the inner city? Because they need dumb fresh minds to break into pieces. Yet, people seem to think they have a platform for an opinion of politics. That's funny.

After Trump suggested NFL teams boot players who would disrespect the American flag, a lot of teams went on the offensive. Sitting out of the anthem, kneeling, holding know rich people playing a kids sport shit.
One lone warrior,  offensive tackle Al Villanueva, who is a West Point graduate and served as an Army Ranger, doing three tours of duty in Afghanistan, stood at the entrance and stood for the anthem.

At this point a lot of Black don't think this flag is the one they believe is the unified one. Well, fuck off. We don't wear dashikis and swat at flies while our people die of starvation either. But is that really the lifestyle you want to bring back? What is the identity of Black America? And when did they become the mouthpiece of all people of color (myself included). When I came to America, it wasn't exactly welcoming me with open arms. Did I feel unfairly treated in Ohio? Oh fuck yeah, I did. But LIFE is unfair.
Unfair but balanced.
As I get older, that's all I experience. Terrible things that occur (not like real tragedy by the way) but we're provided for in the end. It evened out. Blacks in America think police are out to shoot them dead. That is the problem in itself. That identity has to change. It's not that you have to be an Uncle Tom honky. It's that you don't have to wear your shit down to your knees and a baseball cap barely talking like you own the universe. That's a thug. And you play up the victim. Most Blacks HATE these people. That's the ones that need the mouthpiece, that America can't go down THAT route.

It's weird that when the NFL was truly a cesspool, no one said a damn thing. Know what that sounds like? "It's everyone's fault but mine." And that is why America will destroy the NFL, just to teach these athletes what it really means to suffer.

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