Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Michael Bennett The Dumbest Seahawk Ever

More like the chicken little.
I get it, Michael Bennett, a fearsome defensive end of the Seattle Seahawks, could pull my spine out of my mouth...but here's what the pussy had to say in terms of regaling his trauma to his 10 year old daughter:

"It was an emotional thing for me to sit there and have to sit her down and explain to her about stereotypes, and racially profiling and what it means to be ... a black man in America, and what it means for her to be a young black woman as she grows up in this country," Bennett said.
"The things that ... would happen to her, and the things that she have to get adjusted to," he added. "In my mind I'm like, 'Why should she have to get adjusted to that? Why hasn't the society adjusted to her ... adjusted to what she could be in society?"

Know what I heard? "Cops hate Black people, get use to it, kid." Also "the world should change to you." Really, dummy? I guess that's how the world works. It should just make you the center of it.

Man, is he dumb. All he is going to raise is a girl who will distrust law enforcement and the order of society. Also, did you really believe you were going to be shot by cops when you yourself admitted running when shots were fired in a casino? Yes, folks, let me clarify...this 'tard ran towards gunshots being fired and was detained as a suspect. How isn't this society mocking this idiot?
Yo, Michael Bennett, it's not fair, but it is if you do dumb things.

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