Monday, September 18, 2017

The Emmys

I didn't watch any of it. Looked like a shit show.
A lot of jokes about Trump apparently. Stephen Colbert hosted.
I don't think razzing the president is anything new, but I'm sure if anyone opposed these Leftist fruits in Hollywood, they'd be kicked from the island. They claim to be heroes and brave. In reality. a cross-dressing transgender bagging on Trump on television (hello, Paul Lynde) isn't brave. A writer who would accept his award and tell these Hollywood faggots to lighten THAT'S bravery. And these idiots would lap it up as sarcasm.
I am NOT saying Hollywood powers are dumb. Not in the least. They're hypocrites. And proud. They've fucked over each other for money then turn and tell you money is the root of evil. Or that Trump is an industrialist monster. So says a town that calls something an "industry" and we all buy it.

Emmys, as most award shows now, are a shit-show of who wore what...while south Florida and Houston drowns. Not a mention of that? Black Lives Matter? Nothing. Just Trump.
You assholes just got him re-elected. If not just to fuck you over.

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