Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Bigger Picture About Equality

The NFL players took a knee to protest the inequality of America. Which is great, if I made what these behemoths make (I meant just the superstars).

Okay, so it's about police brutality, as my friend has said. Police have always been shit. Ever since there were police. So when people call for change, what is it that should change? And how do you regulate this change? Because it hasn't ever changed. Even when they say it has (Rampart, we're looking at youuuuu..." So, let's be specific, you want the cops to...let violators go? True or false? You want police to not use force against drug pushers...true or false? Child molesters and abductors are innocent until proven guilty? True or false? And so forth.

My point being, there is no fucking specifics as to what all the whining is about. This is what I hear "So, we need equality and for cops to, you know...not be such dicks...and...Black Lives matter...and so does everyone else's lives."
Fuck dude, you ever get a raise asking like that?

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