Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Yer So Vain

We are all shallow people. Vanity is in everyone. Even the ugliest of us. I know I am. When I don't like a photo of myself, I try to bury it. Which is why there aren't many photos of me.

I notice there are types who are vain but don't like to admit it. In fact, I think it's more epidemic than first realized. I don't blame anyone for this. It's just that we like to be physically accepted. Or carried on our shoulders for being approved of physically by the masses. I notice a model I worked with would quietly post images on a site. Sorta' fishing to see if her images gather traction. Most of us don't really know. As women probably have it the hardest. They desperately want to be the leader of their pack. I think that's one of the things women appreciate about us guys. We can look like trucker thugs, and we don't fully give a shit. Truth be told, that look is also manufactured to give a vibe.

Maybe "shallow" wasn't the word, maybe "introspective" is better. We have really no gauge as to who we think we look like to others. We can't climb into anyone's brain and see what they see. I think it works the same way as comedians though. Everyone can hear the laughter of 1000 people. It's the one sitting the front row with their hands folded that drives you nuts.

One caveat though: everyone empirically knows what a beautiful person looks like. Beautiful people know how beautiful they look like. An ugly retard could look at a beautiful person and think THEY'RE ugly the fireworks.

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