Friday, March 10, 2017

Wire Tapping The Prez

You can't accuse someone of something if you have no proof. I know. It sucks, but you look nuts if you do that.

President Nixon loved recording himself talking to people because, it seemed, his self-esteem was so low, he wanted someone to find these tapes later and know he did his best. But he erased a bunch of it and came off looking like...a crook.

Ego-maniacal power weirdos love documenting themselves. We all do too. We want the public to know a few things...we are worthy of their praise. We are in love with our own ideas. We don't want to forget our ideas. Our legacy will live on.

Wiretapping for Obama seems so dumb. Also, there is no point to tap Trump, because he is annoyingly transparent for some things. The other's hard to determine if what he says and does isn't already out in the open. The other thing is...his secrets seem to be really childish. Like who he wants to win the Miss Tropicana contest. I would think his thoughts are that dumb.

If you think about the person you're most passionate about knowing all information from, you would find probably the dullest dumbest things about them. An ex-girlfriend, for example, within getting cuckholded into listening to her fuck her new husband for oh...5 minutes, the rest of the day would be recipe and books at the library she needed to return. WE ARE NOT THAT INTERESTING.

That's that.

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