Saturday, March 25, 2017

Actors Act

One of my biggest pet peeves in looking at actor's reels is...when I can see what they are saying go across a page. It's not a commitment thing. No they go full bravado. It's an actor thing. Actor's, in my opinion, should react. What does reaction mean? They are listening. The superior pros from people starting out...they really don't see when the people in the room are just...acting. Listening is massive. I've completely re-tooled my shooting style to the reaction shot. Why? That's acting. I get why Kubrick had a hard time with studied actors. They are WAY into the meaning of what is being said and nothing about what the other person is saying. Reacting is really energetic because it feels the most natural. Robots can read words. That's why I hate Kevin Smith movies. It's all regurgitation. Which is another gripe. Writers who are way too clever. I saw a godawful short film recently that lacked subtlety. That is people saying something they would never say. As if a writer stood by and fed them the lines. And what's worse...this may be the future. Which is, let's just exposit everything. Reason? Shooting a feature went from 90 days to under 30 days. There is no time for scenery. So just say everything at a couple of places. It's economical but TERRIBLE.

There was a guy I met on a set last year. I'd spoken to him before. He is the guy who knew everything about the politics of his story. In a short amount of time he had everyone sized up. He is an actory actor. Method style which means he has to feel it to act it. Yep. Annoying. Then I saw him on set...he pulled the high energy shit, "getting into character" getting fired up and putting on his game face. You know what...worked for the 30 seconds he was on screen. Out of curiosity I went to his actor's reel...guess what? Every single performance was the exact same. Intense, and worked up. Blah. Hopefully there is a niche market for this type. But doubt it. There is nothing more horrifying than bad writing that meets bad acting. least it looks great in style.

The house will collapse. I learn the most like this.

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