Friday, March 31, 2017

They're Remaking "IT"

You remember that t.v. miniseries that had John Boynfrom "The Waltons" Venus Flytrap from "WKRP" and Jack Tripper from "Three's Company" then you added Tim Curry from...well...he's just bugged eyed freaky looking.

That shit was scary. Now they're remaking it into a gorier movie. Have you revisit the miniseries recently? Most assholes claim it's not scary. Bullshit. It is freaky as fuck...and it got on t.v. These pussies remaking it? They have to stoop to shit-ass VFX to obscure the stupid Pennywise. Like...stupid. Tim Curry's version is remakable in the sense that he functioned on both the perverse and the curse. This new Pennywise seems closer to the silent but deadly. Perhaps they are hiding the "charm" of the new actor playing it. is a tall order.

Also...people don't seem to realize...IT isn't really a thing or a person. It was the horrible imagination of childhood trauma. Supposedly masked as a serial killer of children. The original played so well on deep childhood fears, even addressing racism, that I don't think this one has the balls to touch. So they get gory.

The miniseries was directed by Tommy Lee Wallace who is a John Carpenter contemporary. He skated such an amazing line of just...fear. And nostalgia. And cruelty of adulthood. Fear so ingrained in them, that as adults they couldn't function properly in personal lives but publicly excelled as massive successes. Hopefully this new one will address this.

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