Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Teen Burglars Killed in Oklahoma

Three teenagers attempting to break into a home were shot. A girl driving the "getaway" vehicle was arrested. And then charged with their murder.

The homeowner's son shot and killed these three with an assault rifle.

Having had my car stolen, it's hard for me to sympathize with the kids that are dead. Having gone to the gun range, I can't imagine aiming and firing at any living thing, let alone three of them. But it happened and...well, you could say those burglars aren't going to do it again. I'd also want to believe it would be a deterrent for any other criminal to deal with the possibility someone will kill you.

In shit-stain California, that homeowner would've been arrested. That's garbage. No, people don't deserve to be killed over things. BUT, you also can't allow criminals to believe breaking into someone's house doesn't have consequences. California is on the side of the criminal. No life is worth a car. NO, morons...the car is worth giving up, you just have no clue what that person is capable of that is willing to take a car.

Teens dying for something as stupid as...a laptop? A few pieces of jewelry? I dunno, you really have to be a teen to realize what value these things have for you. Maybe to buy drugs? As Clint Eastwood said in "Unforgiven" you have taken everything a man has, and everything he's ever going to have. That burglar who was once a child crawling the earth is now underneath it. And to be perfectly frank, maybe we're better off without people who don't know the difference between right and wrong.

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