Monday, March 27, 2017

LGBTQ...LMNOP Law In North Carolina

News says North Carolina is going to lose billions because a law which supposedly discriminates against them. That's a lot of moolah.

I don't really know the exact details of this, but...who fucking cares? A lot of people are upset that a transgender person can use a bathroom to which they identify as. North Carolina way, Jose. Use the bathroom of the sex you were born as. Seriously? Here's the thing...who checks? Also...we stare.

So...guy with five o' clock shadow using ladies' room...people will stare. You have no right to not be stared at for being a freak. Because that's what you are. I got stared at in Ohio for being Asian. That's what I am. Different. And a freak. Embrace it.'

North Carolina isn't the most progressive of states, but I think they always mean well. As does most of America. The last time I was "in those parts of the woods" I was met with nothing but real genteel hospitality. But that may be because they know I wasn't there to live. I recall a cross-dresser that worked with me in college. He was a janitor like me. I was there for work study, he did it so he could afford a wardrobe like Judy Garland's. I'm not kidding.

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