Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The "I Didn't Know" Defense

Wife of Muslim London attacker claims she had no idea her husband was a nutjob.
Father of nutjob teen thwarted her plan for a mass shooting at her high school.

I'm not sure how much closer you need to be to feel comfortable with denial, but If you claimed you didn't know your family member is nuts...you are a massive idiot and deserve to be thrown into a pit somewhere. Why?

Because, even a casual relationship with my nephew and I, the first thing I would say if he ever did anything wrong, "that kid was a fuck up. And the public should string him up." People who deny their family members are capable of this are THE problem. It's almost worse than the mental illness the perpetrator has. In this case, a religious zealot. Yes...religion in all aspects is a mental disability. It causes the most irrational behavior.

But don't give me any of that "you don't define irrational behavior." So priests who molest boys can be defended? How about some Muslim stabbing people in London? How about Christian zealot Sandusky fondling football players for scholarships? Joe Paterno didn't know? Fuck you in Hell.

Most people know. They have to know. Just stop saying you didn't know. We'd respect you all more for it.

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