Friday, March 31, 2017

Are People Angrier In The U.S.?

As a teen, I recall being really a shit-bag of a human being. I'm surprised my folks didn't back hand me more. But, you have to realize, I was only able to be this shitty, because I lived in America. I'm sure other countries will argue their teens were just a shitty, it's almost an epidemic. Well, now anyway, what with...the social media creating the worse of the worse. Maybe not.

I'm totally convinced we aren't angrier or meaner. We're just seeing it more. I feel the ability to process shitty teen behavior has changed though. Because you've insulted me, or belittled me...I feel hurt and you must make amends. To which you're met with "stop crying you little baby."
When I was growing up most apologies were forced on from one parent to another person's child.
For instance, with my Ma she forced me to say sorry to a complete stranger
"I'm sorry I threw that empty bottle at you. I wasn't aiming for you, but I am sorry I did it."
Nowadays..."Dontchoo' tell mah child who he can or can't throw empty bottles at."

When I was a kid, we also had to be forced to say "hi" to adults and address them as "Mr. or Mrs." That noise is gone. Also gone...saying "bless you" Maybe it is in California, as I' haven't heard it from any of these mooks. And if I did, it was from people who weren't natives here.

I know my anger here may seem like that is the nature of society today. It's not. People are cool at the ground level. I ride my bike around a lot these days. And when you nod a friendly hello, people will nod and smile back.

I think these places that are deemed as "most friendliest happiest places" is because they are so small. You can't go around pissing people off and expecting to not see them ever again. Big cities, people for sure fall through the cracks. In small cities, you inevitably will be at the same bar again. Which is why even after a fight, dudes will just go back to drinking together. As I've said in the past, I've made great friends this way.

So go out an smile and nod at a complete stranger this weekend, it really is all that it takes. Try it.

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