Thursday, March 9, 2017

Poor People Aren't Dumb People

Some schmo told the country that poor people should spend less time on getting the newest iPhone so they can afford health care.

Then the liberals flipped the fuck out.

If you take this schmuck from Utah literally, you are an total MORON.

The implication, if you want to bring common sense into it, is this...STOP FUCKING WORRYING ABOUT DUMB SHIT LIKE iPHONES!!!

I swear to Christ, I meet so many poor folk who have the nicest phones and cars and watches and...

...I live in my fucking hovel hoping my sweats don't dissolve in the rain. Should everyone live like that? Fuck no. But people should understand the concept of living within your means. You can't consciously know you are a poor person and spend $700 on a fucking phone. want it. Bitch...try the term "need."

Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I'm sick of hearing about newest technology that (by the way kills your motivation anyway...did mine) think it will solve your problems if you bitch at it long enough. Yes...I'm serious. You idiots who are worried about Utah Republican mocking think you can fix shit by being outraged and protesting. So, what is the solution? Doubling down on your already underfunded life? Or maybe feeling a modicum of shame to get your ass in gear.

I would think your health is worth it. And that you were worn ahead of time. Check the update on your iPhone you just bought. It should have alerted your dumb poor ass to wake up and go to work.

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