Sunday, March 5, 2017

"Logan" (2017)

There is an obligatory in all comic book movies, as the actor is leaving the role people seem to inflate their importance. This movie's agenda is to definitely paint Hugh Jackman's legacy. To me, it was a dull goodbye party for a man who didn't want a party.

When the movie opens, Logan is passed out drunk being jacked by Mexican gang-bangers. You know this to be written by White folk since it's the ultimate in cholo speak. Even though we're in 2026, you would hope they'd have cooler lingo. Why rewrite history. Well, Logan. Attempts to play nice until it's time to...not play nice (thanks "Roadhouse") which is when we see the old Wolverine come out. Why is this important? To illustrate that he is old, rusty and dying from the inside out. Suffering through the movie.

I have a bone to pick with that. If YOU suffer don't make audience suffer as well.

We also discover Logan is now...a limo driver attempting to make enough money for a vague escape with...Dr. X. Little did I know the history..which is the core of their anger towards one another but...still connected...till death do they part.

This movie looks cheap, feels cheap and is cheap. I'm confused as to the critics positive spin. By the time they introduce Laura, the mysterious child, we just don't really care, as desperately as they want it to happen.

This is a terrivle capper to a series I'm unfamiliar with. To be honest. I can probably recommend to fans who know all the inside stuff. This isn't even a marginally good movie. The movie that, at least got creative. This thing was boring. And long and dreary. Take a drink everytime Logan passes out and wakes up. Actually don't, you'll die.

Poor ending to Jackman's tenure.

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