Thursday, August 17, 2017

Why Leftist Irritate Me

I use to be one. Full of the moral high ground. Which isn't their stance at all, I've learned. They should believe whole heartedly in what THEY believe. This is the same as the White Supremacist. Yes, I've said it, an entire group of people are just as bad as the KKK. At least Republicans can openly admonish Trump. When Obama did stupid shit repeatedly...Democrats defended him. So, right now the Left is thinking "well, because Obama was righteous and Trump isn't" Give me a fucking break. Are you listening to yourselves? Obama is a politician. He gets votes. And now...speaking fees. That was his agenda all along. He is a great speaker a terrible human being. Like Trump. Yet, Obama can do no wrong in the eyes of the Left. No bend at all with the criticism. Not an iota of objectivity. That is the worse kind, and I see it here. In California. The Left have brain-washed citizens that they are here for the good of humanity. Because they cater to the minorities. I AM a minority. They don't fucking cater to me. Why? I don't look destitute enough for their votes. Neither do my other Asian brethren. Because we play within the system.

Here's another thing that bugs me. There was a group that gathered last night to pay tribute to the poor woman who was killed by a car that plowed through the demonstration. I doubt she knew she would be in conflict. Because, let's face it, here's how women operate. They pick fights knowing men won't backhand them. Well, she got backhanded with a car. Sucks...I mean REALLY sucks she played with the wrong crowd. The point being, she wasn't there to fight for me. Most likely she'd think I were the oppressor because I'm not the ones Klan hate the most. Anyway, they gathered in front of the Jefferson Building. As in Thomas Jefferson. As in...statesmen, true Virginian...slave-owning and bangin' Thomas Jefferson. You idiots. That's a monument to a history you don't want to remember. Like Robert E. Lee. Your White guilt is so fucking misplaced you completely overlooked the obvious. The Left have put this woman under the pedestal of a man who "gently oppressed" Blacks. I had to laugh. You should too.

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