Thursday, August 24, 2017

Katherine McPhee Nudies

Remember when you gave a damn.
First off, who the fuck is she? I didn't bother Googling because this idiot doesn't realize a few things...
the "sick" website she is blasting has hotter more willing women. You are a great dane compared to these women. Use to be porn actresses were banged up dogs. Not anymore. If you are just singing and prancing, it's really not good enough anymore. I think you're a singer. Oh wait, she went to high school with a co-worker of mine (seriously)

Also, the hack. Her phone was hacked into and they got her nudies she took for a guy she loved. Ahem...nice work. This is true narcissism and we're all guilty of it. If someone hacked into my phone, they'd see muscle-y photos of me. Because I can't bring myself to ditch photos of myself ripped. My greatest fear is that they don't take my face and Photoshop it onto the naked body of that Asian dude from "The Hangover." That guy's pecker was stereotypically small and would be outraged. Otherwise...who cares? Dumb cunt.

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