Monday, August 7, 2017

Sanctuary! Saaaaanctuary!!

Chicago is suing the federal government over getting funds withheld because they are a sanctuary city. As is San Francisco.
Here's an idea...stop harboring illegal immigrants.
Yes, it is a strong armed tactic. But it know...the law. And also, force your own fucking people to get their citizenship. Instead of wasting hot air in court where lawyers get rich and your rotten city continues to kill itself. Maybe that is a good thing. Recently, I've learned, people from these areas are self-righteous contradictory dickheads. I've always loved Chicago...but that was in 1988. San Fran is great...if you agree with their politics.
The same strong armed tactics used to accept the huddled masses, are the same that are being used to make you remember the law. Meanwhile, what is I.C.E. doing? Booting your asses until you comply. Let's face it, you want bail out money but on your terms. I wish I could do that to my creditors. Hey loan lenders, I'm going to need $100,000 and I won't go over say...2% interests, take it or leave it!

I'm sure that goes over well. And before you say it, this fucking country is a business. We're all numbers to the dead-eyed DMV workers and post office clerks and civil...anything buildings. SO get off your bullshit that you aren't part of the number crunching. In fact, I would bet you were counting on the numbers hiding you. Nope. Sanctuary cities are a dumb rule, and obviously bankrupting the city and causing much more crime.
Politicians are stupid fucking idiots. If illegals were smart, they'd go shake down these people who are pretending to bat on their behalf.

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