Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Next President

I get the feeling if Don Knott's corpse came out from the ground and ran for President of the United States next term, he'd win in a landslide.

Obama was a subpar president but seemed to be much more now that weirdo Orange guy can't seem to say the right things. The problem with G-money is...he was too much a politician. This yahoo now we got is the exact opposite. So, I do blame the Left for saddling us with Trump. Because he is a response to your fucking retarded idiotic politically correct bullshit. This is 2017 me saying this.

I would've loved 1983 Obama. That is to say, if he was president and I was still living in the inner city next to all Blacks. They'd be inviting me to barbecues and we'd be holding hands and singing Kumbaya. Right? Fuck no, morons. Chicago couldn't be more murderous because this idiot doesn't condemn the criminal, he condemns law enforcement. Then it goes up from there. Never once did Obama ever talk about the truth behind Ferguson shooting. Nor should he have to. It was a stupid episode of "Cops" at best. Instead, it blew up because the Black community hung its hat on that as an example of police ineptitude. Really? This stupid fucking guy who stole shit and not expect the consequences. Shit, when I was a kid...had I been shot over a Chunk candy bar, people would've laughed that I would be so stupid as to get shot over nothing. World moved on. These days, it's a game of social media telephone.
"I heard that it was a 10 year old who was just out riding his big wheel when he put his hands up and was shot in the back by the police." Right.

The best is that we all only see it from one angle. And that's unfortunate because we can't cork up Pandora's box anymore. People are going to see police as the enemy because of Obama said it was the case. White people are going to think their rights are being taken away because of Trump.

Don Knotts...where are you!?

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