Tuesday, August 15, 2017

My Leftist Friends

I shudder at the thought of my Leftist friends calling anyone who disagrees with them or defends the right to speech... a Nazi. Guess what...the thought police is a hypocrite. When you shut down thoughts or ideas you disagree with YOU are the true fascist. Because you expect everyone to fall into your thinking. Because you believe yourself to be righteous. Arrogance. Yep. That is the burden of college educated Leftist. Because the idea of capitalism is so sickening it cuts you to the core of goodwill towards humanity. I got no problem with that. Bill Gates donates a ton this week because he wants to help community or create a legacy beyond being a nerd.

IF you believe Nazis would ever make a significant dent into American culture...YOU are out of your fucking mind. They are, have been, always will be a joke. From 1945 to the day you die, that lesson has been learned. And the truth is, you are the one who lost faith in America. Which could be slung around your neck like a badge of honor. Yes, you are so conceited to believe you know the answer to America. Instead, you drew MORE attention to the Ku Klux Klan AND Neo-Nazis. Essentially giving them more press than money can buy. The worse part about it...they conned you. Yep, used you and you didn't even know. They egged you into a fight to display the hypocrisy of...free speech. The one thing that our liberal bros and sisters defend when transgenders want to...um...transgend. Like being who you are. What happened to that?! Be free to be a Neo-Nazi in America. WHOA! Wait a minute, nope. And then who gets to say who gets to be what? Obviously common sense is that you don't want to be a Black Panther...oh wait...can't say that either because you FUCKING politically correct shitbags won't allow it. So again, a small population gets to decide what is offensive and what isn't. Is that you? You certainly believe so. Better hide your anal beads and whips and chains. And by the way, who fucking made you the God who gets to decide what is offensive. Guess what this is called? Freedom. Yes folks...freedom. I know, I know you hate your rich parents who yacht and bore you with cotillions...you'd rather be a hairy, smelly animal (me) filmmaker. But that means we can't regulate the world. And if you think that...that would mean you don't believe in freedom. Because who I am and what I do may offend you. That is the absolute idea of tyranny. Even if it means a KKK member says what he says. We ignore, or as Google did, shut their shit down. That's brilliant!!

To the Leftists I know...they are strangely predominantly White. Good hearted people who know good heartedness. They believe they are doing noble work. And, technically, they are. But don't fucking get on my case if I happen to not agree with you about how to handle these people, because it's NOT my opinion that matters. Both Black Panthers and Neo-Nazis understand they are a minority wherever they go. Your point is to stomp them out. Good luck with changing ideology. I can't tell a homo to not be flamboyant. You try.

Continue on with life. I mean, this is fun stuff and heated conversations, but in the end, they will exist, you will exist and it'll just be time wasted. And before you say it, I'm not complicit in any of the rise of any hate group. Because I didn't participate in some protest some of you idiots believe I condone it. Okay, I condone being an American. You want to keep marching...knock yourself out. You assholes who post on social media all these articles you read on biased newsfeeds...God...just write shit yourself. Get heated. I respect that. At least the fucking White Supremacists drew shit in crayon. You could at least...do that.
Then ignore and move on. They won't get America. The blowback is good news that we all still think it's a great big Hallowe'en costume.

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