Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Fuck You Seth Meyers

The most unfunny person that was on Saturday Night Live:

Before doing anything else Monday night, Seth Meyers addressed the weekend’s events in Charlottesville, Virginia, from his desk. “On Saturday, there was yet another terror attack on American soil,” the Late Night host said, “allegedly perpetrated by a white supremacist.” He called the violent death of Heather Heyer “a horrifying incident that left most of the country stunned and terrified. “But on Saturday, you didn’t hear her name or the terrorist’s name or even the word ‘terrorist’ from our president,” Meyers continued. Instead, as the host played on screen, the country heard condemn violence “on many sides.”

First off, thanks for speaking for me, pussy. I wasn't stunned or terrified, you dumb homo. Neither were you. Get off your dildo. Also, Obama never said "Islamic Terrorist" or "Muslim Terrorist" in regards to San Bernardino. Did you broadcast that then? Of course not, you fucking stupid fuck. God I hate entertainer who go political. You're not smart.

So when did you get all the facts? When did "due process" get thrown out the door? Or free speech? Ignore, you pansy. But you couldn't. Because your show most likely sucks (as I've never watched your ardvark face idiot). Why haven't people punched you out yet? Whiny fuck.

Move on with your life. Because you are creating more people who hate your cause. You're the asshole who spent sleepless hours finding ways to tell jokes. This is the most obvious case of armchair quarterbacking weak shit you'll ever see.

There is no influx of Trump driven White supremacy. I have to laugh at the chicken little sky is falling scenario these morons come up with. Meanwhile, ISIS publicly saws off heads, you are worried about marching. Give me a break. Your pussyhats didn't work at all, what makes you think Neo-nazi fags have that much pull either. Oh right, that self-righteous garbage posing as editorial speak to your constituents who've started to tune you out. Fuck you Seth Meyers.

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