Monday, August 7, 2017

"Detroit" vs. "Girl's Trip"

"Girl's Trip" or "Black Lady Hangover"
Both of these movies got raving reviews. As if people were afraid to tell people the truth. You know who wasn't afraid to tell the truth? Black women.
In a review on by Angelica Jade Bastien:
"Watching "Detroit," the latest film directed by Kathyrn Bigelow and penned by Mark Boal, I hit a breaking point I didn’t realize I had. I was disturbed so deeply by what I witnessed that I left the theater afterward in tears.
It wasn’t the relentless violence inflicted upon black bodies or the fiery devastation of the riots ripping apart Detroit but the emptiness behind these moments that got under my skin. Watching “Detroit” I realized that I’m not interested in white perceptions of black pain"

What is Bigelow's deal anyway? Was this a story that needed to be re-told. And if so, couldn't you wait till Oscar season? Wouldn't have gotten a great review from the Black community as she most likely hoped, but you would've gotten a massive push by guilt-ridden hypocritical shit-bag trans-everything Hollywood.

And it's written on EVERY other reviewers site. As if watching this tragedy by White film reviewers promotes them to honorary social justice banner waver. Same thing for that re-tread garbage that was "Birth Of A Nation" made by a rapist. Sorry, alleged rapist. He was exonerated. Though, way to bury the story of how the girl Nate Parker allegedly raped killed herself years later. Mentally unstable women, man.

So here we are saddled with two "Black movies." One blasted into the stratosphere. Yes, "Girl's Trip" repeated the success of "Hangover" for Black women. The real story...Blacks didn't go see "Hangover" Before you tell me "Fuck you, there were a ton of Blacks who went." Nope, the demographics were for middle America. Lily White. So, Hollywood, in its infinite joy to show diversity made a movie aimed directly towards Black women. Now their partners can feel the dread all other people feel being dragged to garbage. "Hangover" was dumb as fuck. But it does illustrate how it doesn't matter what color you are ready for stupid. And it was brilliant on "diverse" Hollywood to exploit it. Think about it. Trump in office...the fuck they wanna see "Detroit." And be reminded how cops hate them. To be reminded Chicago is killing itself. They live in fantasy. Real life sucks. I'm with you all. It's tragic. Having fun and getting into stupid situations is much more fun.

So now is the time to have fun. To push fun. Since Creamsicle Guy in the White House is bringing you down. Be happier. The money will come to you.

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