Wednesday, August 30, 2017

That Damn Wall In Mexico

When Trump told Mexicans they'd be paying for a wall to keep themselves out...well, I just fucking laughed.
But nothing made me laugh harder when these dumb cock-a-roaches south of the border responded like this:

Most Mexicans see Trump’s threat as an attack on the country’s honor,” said Fernando Dworak, a political analyst in Mexico City. “Any politician who would suggest any collaboration with the USA on building the wall would immediately be seen as a traitor and a nation-seller (vende patrias)."

In other words, this seemed to unite Mexico. Built nationalistic pride. So they say.
Here is where the proof is in the pudding. Though I love visiting Taiwan and love my relatives, America is the best place to be. I don't bring Taiwanese shit to America. Though I enjoy Taiwanese shit. I certainly don't shit all over it. Which is what the majority of Americans don't do. So why does parts of Los Angeles look like the 3rd world of Mexico? Why are they making their bucks here and sending it home? Why aren't they getting licenses when they sell me hot dogs on the street?

So, I feel I am very nationalistic. But not to Taiwan. To America. And so, here's the deal...if Mexicans were truly insulted, the next step would be to...not run across the border to America. Nationalism is pride in one's own country, yes? That means stay the fuck down in Shit-hole Mexico. Or would this be a lie? Let's get real here, Mexicans have no pride or honor...well, not enough to think that America can deal with them. So, here's the solution to not paying for a wall and shutting Trump up...SHUT YOUR FUCKING FACE MEXICO!! It's that simple. Stop antagonizing Trump and fortifying Americans to hate your dumb asses. Because you draw a TON of attention to yourselves everytime Trump rattles your fucking cages. Mexico is a shitty country. Own up to it. Don't pretend people want to escape to it. Listen, the Left here constantly threaten to leave to Canada. Canada should build a wall to keep them out. Because all you would get during the worst winters (which is every winter in Canada) is bitching and whining. By the way Mexico, thanks for hiding out Nazi sympathizers. Guess no one ever remembers that. Seriously, assholes down south, turn off your fucking shitty bottom bass'd mariachi music and just ignore. Things move smoother if you recognize you are garbage. We will pity you then.

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