Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Transgenders In Military

President Trump put a kibbosh on transgenders being able to serve. I think he thinks it's like the G.I. Bill. Where people will join just to get a free sex change. Dude, if it mean being blown up with an I.E.D. in fucking Shit-ville Middle East, GIVE IT TO THEM. Why in God's name would you ban anyone from joining the military? Other than this is to obviously piss off former president Obama who said transgenders can serve. Again, why is this even a topic of discussion? The United States should want all able bodies. Confused or not (yeah, I'll throw that in there for the cheap seats). And I like that transgenders are in the military, because...well, who better to put in harm's way.

It goes back to what I was laughing about when in the wars, they barred minorities. Yeah, how stupid is not allowing people whom you discriminate against fight a war where they could be fodder. And yes, I understand that sounds is shitting in a funnel when your lower abdomen is blown away by shrapnel. Clearly, this is Trump fucking with the people who supported EVERY single whiny objective of Obama's lackluster time in office. And the result, is a one term joke of president, who will be an odd conversation piece to our children's children's children.


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