Wednesday, July 12, 2017

OC Pride

They should call this photo "Two And A Half Assholes"
Because you're so progressive you assume your son or daughter or whatever the fuck that is to be as well. Here's an idea, PROGRESSIVE FUCKS, let the kid do what the kid wants. Not force your fucking beliefs on the retard when they're young. Not that they are going to run ramshod over society if you don't train him like a brain dead seal.

Here is what actor James Woods:
 "This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you've done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage"

Fucking awesome. Why? Basically called these two out for blatantly pandering to Cali dickwads. Reel those fish in.

Then Neil Patrick I'm a Homo Love Me Harris had to say that his Tweet was ignorant and blah blah blah. Because you suck a man's cock doesn't mean you have the intelligence to realize Woods' is entitled to say what he said, just as you are AND THESE TWO FUCKING ASSHOLES are for their opinion. Do I agree? Obviously not. How about you enjoy your life instead of cramming it down everyone else's fucking throat like a used dildo.
What the flying fuck does "gender creative" mean anyway, you stupid flamers?! Oh, right I forgot the other idiot on the right, that this kid wears dresses and makeup? Listen, shitbag, if I put on a blonde wig I'm not Brad Pitt Creative. So go fuck yourselves.

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