Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Is Hate Speech Free Speech?

Yes, it is.
I don't agree with Nazis or Black Lives Matter, but I'm glad they have the platform to speak.
And who decides what is "hate speech" anyway. Apparently the Leftist constantly believe they are of the lovey-dovey club? Horseshit.
If you've been in Hollywood long enough, they are the most vindictive angry insane losers on the planet who happen to make a decent living playing make believe. Yes, people in spandex suits making more than you and whining. Does this not make you sick to your stomach.
So recently, the case of Nelsan Ellis, the actor who struggled with alcoholism came up. Addiction killed this man young. To which actress Mayim Bialik stated how hateful and angry and racist the general public is. How we shit on someone who suffered so long.

Good. We should.
Not because it's the right thing to do, BUT...that this function exists. What Bialik doesn't understand is the venting process. The anger and the relief it takes to just...release all the pent up pissy-ness. She prefer that these fuckers online hold it in to take it out on REAL people? I've always considered the cyberspace to be and should be the anonymous venting machine (hence, my blog).
 We're all angry trolls deep down inside (some more on the surface). The idea is that the world we know now is for the living. To think that piling on anger at people who are suffering the loss is up to you, it's foolhardy. What does she suggest is the solution? Oh right, Hollywood never has one.  This is called "whining." But, I applaud her for sharing her outrage at the obvious.

No one's death should be celebrated. Then again, you could always...ignore.

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