Sunday, July 23, 2017

California Governor Jerry Brown

This guy is an absolute turd fucking loser idiot moron.
He uses words like "crisis" to shock this state to action. Guess who created this "crisis?"
Leftist idiots who ran it off the Malibu cliff.
So what is their new solution to things like...jacking up rent or...$15 billion tunnel system? Gotta raise gas prices. As this whole fucking town went electric. Yep, genius at work. The fox is guarding the hen house.

Okay, so do I have a solution? For one thing, admit you aren't as altruistic as you would believe. This is straight up pandering to immigrants. That create construction jobs...whose funds are filtered through...taxpayers. How are Californians NOT more angry? Guess who's coming in next? Good ol' Gavin Newsome who says some businesses target minorities. Like check cashing places. As if banks didn't exist. They target EVERYONE who has some green, stupid. Your statement is just...pandering to the people who use those places and realize they are over their heads. They vote for you to shut down more businesses. Predatory? Yes. A business...yes. Guess what a business does if people DON'T go through them? Guess what you closing a business does. Is this guy really retarded or something? By the way, Gavin Newsome come from a rich family. Next, he will change his name to Gavin Newsome-Garcia. Piece of shit. I hope he gets raped (yes, I've never said that about anyone). Because he isn't for the brown person at all. He's the worse, insidiously ugly person who wants you to think he works for the poor.

Hey's another thing...ever since the minimum wage hike, guess who stopped going to places that indicated so? Places like the Laemmle theater had to raise their prices to offset it. They will go out of business soon (as they were already on fumes). Nice going. The "art house" neighborhoods are going to find out real quick whether or not they still support that. Minimum wage hike is NOT a bad thing, let me be clear, it's the concept of making an entry level job a career. And it's not going to happen. You can't build a career on a business that has to close up shop because they can't support the hike. Get it?

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