Sunday, July 16, 2017

George Romero

Let's just all assume right now that we've followed this guru of terror AND horror and lopped off his head and spiked his brain before burying him. Okay? Alrighty then...
There is no doubt Mr. Romero started the modern day zombie sub-genre. No doubt at all. What made him MUCH more unique than say splatter dopes is that he actually had a political message within the gore. I recall being a lame-wad high school kid sitting in a utility room watching his horror flicks on VHS (only place with a monitor). There I sat in silence watching brains being eaten, and skin being pulled apart. And it was just a level below camp that we accepted it as fun. I also recall my friend and I would put together fake blood and shoot our own shitty George Romero influenced backyard movie. They were terrible, but I look back that far now and marvel at how much influence he had on us. From NO budget filmmaking to cheap gore effects, his sense of filmmaking was so grass roots.

He is with the dead now, which seems strange knowing he's revived so many others for great entertainment. A great legacy to have left behind. A pioneer of cinema which is growing rarer and rarer. Thank you, Mr. Romero.

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