Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Justine Sacco: Freedom of Speech

I was watching a docu-thing called "Can We Take A Joke?" which near the end had this story about Justine Sacco.

I completely missed this phony outrage world vomit fest. Essentially she tweeted this before she boarded a plane...for perspective she had...70 followers:

"Going To Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!"

By the time she landed, 11 hours later, she'd lost her job and got death threats. Some even wanted her to get AIDS. Who gets AIDS anymore. It's not so much she was fucking around, but that she isn't a comedian. But I actually thought the tweet was funny. Because, unless you are absolutely unequivocally supremely retarded, you would not think she was just kidding. Monsters don't openly tweet things like that. They keep in the cut and silently try to give you AIDS. Sacco's life was ruined with a few fragmented sentences. And to this day, she is known as that person. What would satisfy social justice warriors? If she really did kill herself. Then you go on your merry way happy she is not on Earth. How noble of you.

So it brought into question outrage, humor and freedom of speech. Nowadays, say this blog for example, I'm certain if anyone gave a flying shit about me, I'd be an enemy of every organization. I'm no comedian, but I try my hardest to be, at the very least entertaining. That's what the world should want. What they want is to be the first to shut people down. Permanently. There is a moment in "The Majestic" with Jim Carrey where he is at a Congressional hearing of House Un-American Activities Committee and he is strained to tell them that they should just lighten the fuck up about who is or who isn't a Communist, because, honestly...he's just an entertainer. His political affiliation being seen as subversive is strictly to draw attention to the freedoms we have, as a human with the ability of communication. Today...HUAC isn't the government. It's us. We regulate ourselves. We snitch and call out one another. And we ruin each others' lives. You assholes who are so bent out of shape of people like Trump or Pence or whomever forget...the biggest regulators of speech now are your neighbors. Yet, it's bizarre this is strictly coming from the Left. A society who had prided themselves in the past of having free thinking, free speech and...just subversive language.

College campuses are now a no-fly zone because a slight or a hurtful comedy routine could send some students into epileptic shock. Never mind that it also creates conversation and debate. Most of these students believe, now...that a person doesn't have the right to say hurtful things. Or incendiary things. Or comment about society. Boy, has college changed. And why Trump got elected. Because the kids now can't stand a gut punch and are ill-prepared for society. Because that's all it is. One massive gut punch.

I write this blog mostly to spew out pain I've carried for a while. Or try to amuse people in the process. It has been therapeutic like you wouldn't believe. At the rate this is going, if it were ever to be taken from me, it would be soul crushing. It would mean that America isn't that which both sides are fighting for anymore. That we overlooked Constitution to placate people. That we have become worse than the terrorist that shot up Charlie Hebdo for drawing a fucking cartoon. We may not use bullets but we have assassinated a person for speaking anyway.

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