Monday, July 24, 2017

The Great Support

Filmmaking needs support. People who will root you on, even if it's from afar.
I recall the times when I had a girlfriend where they would watch the crap I made. Maybe I should stop calling it "crap." But they would sit through it and...really be supportive. It was a warm feeling I hope everyone gets to feel who are insecure about their art. In whatever capacity. Because it is brutal between the lines.
The lines that you don't see. The people who spend days mocking your efforts...behind your back. Which is what I constantly hear. Though there are some TERRIBLE films that I have seen, as I get more and more invested in my own projects monetarily, it is nice to have someone believe in what you do. Because no one does. In life. Really. Only people who care about you and want to be cared back.

Approval isn't something we need to seek. At least I hope you don't. BUT, it's also good to hear it though. Because when you're at bat, you want to know people have faith in you. Or that they instill the confidence you would need to hit the ball. Then we all win.

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