Sunday, July 2, 2017

Road Rage

In Los Angeles, it's really easy to lose it in traffic or on each other. Strangely, in this town, people do accept the inconvenience. Armenians and Asians (funny they both start with "A") are total dicks behind the wheel. I try so hard not to be.

Bianca Roberson, age 18, got into a tiff with a guy in a pickup truck. Dumb bitch...yeah, I said it...dumb bitch, DON'T EVER FUCK WITH ANYONE IN A PICKUP TRUCK. This is common sense, because people with pickups have constant bad days. They are either helping people move or moving manure. That's (literally) a shitty day. So what did this idiot do? She was fucking around jockeying at high speeds to pass this dude. Essentially antagonizing an unstable person already.

Did she deserve to be shot and killed? Actually, yes. This means one less idiot with no common sense. Okay, she doesn't. But, when they find this dude (because there's now a manhunt) we're going to discover how unstable people in pickup trucks really are. Involuntary manslaughter is going to get this dude a nickel if he hadn't any priors. Gun possession...who knows. These asshole gun nuts probably want to throw the book at him because it's another reason why fucking idiots shouldn't own guns. And you know how defensive gun nuts get.

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