Thursday, July 13, 2017

Production Time

When I wrap my brain around shooting a short film...a lot of things fall into place and I get moving. What is grating is when there are speed bumps. All good and fine. Little things pop up all the time. What should motivate movie making is...making movies and nothing should come between you or it.

If I were to regale you tales of the excitement of making movies, it's this...the uncertainty. You get no...pat answer to anything. Even if you spent a lot of money on every contingency, there still is nothing prohibiting you from the inevitable truth. It can all go to shit.

Sorry, but it is true. Plans are only 100% when it is for building things. Plans for events. Gargfunkel!! It's the worse. Because you are moving so fast, for so long. The trick is to move and follow your instincts. That's all you can do.
Yes and no's are your new friend.

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