Friday, July 21, 2017

Minnesota Police Chief Resigns

Lesbian/Native American/token Minnesota Leftist garbage...
...let's face it, this is the DIRECT recipe for someone who has a chip on their shoulder, hates their father and desperately needs to show how "progressive" blonde WASPY Minnesota can be. Here is the problem:

"Minneapolis police Chief Janee Harteau resigned Friday at the request of the mayor, who said she lost confidence in the chief after last weekend's fatal police shooting of an unarmed Australian woman who had called 911.
In a statement released Friday, Harteau said: "I've decided I am willing to step aside to let a fresh set of leadership eyes see what more can be done for the MPD to be the very best it can be."
Mayor Betsy Hodges said she asked for the chief's resignation.
"I've lost confidence in the Chief's ability to lead us further ... it is clear that she has lost the confidence of the people of Minneapolis as well," Hodges said. "For us to continue to transform policing — and community trust in policing — we need new leadership at MPD."

SO their experiment resulted in the death of a tourist. Shot dead by a Somali-American Mohammed Noor. Why do I mention the Somali-American part? Because every single fucking time Yahoo mentions cops killing civilians they always bring up color.

My theory still holds true...cops aren't just killing Blacks and Mexicans. They're killing anyone who's dumb enough to call them. I got called on one time by a psychotic roommate. After assessing the fact that she was out of her mind and had a history of false accusations, their advice? "sleep with a knife and move out as fast as possible." Thanks pigs. Also, who the fuck do you usually shoot when a brown skin guy wields a knife against a blonde woman? Crazy or not, they're shooting me.

So fuck Minneapolis, you shit-brained idiots will be too stubborn to conclude your stupid ass super-Leftist stance is failing...bad.

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