Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The World Will Right Itself

I don’t think karma works the way people always wish it on people. I think it just means that the world rights itself. Most people use it for revenge or something.
Some “Inside Baseball” for those who want to know about the politics of post production:
“Deadpool” made an insane amount of money for a Valentine’s Day weekend, considering it was rated “R.” This character belongs in the Marvel world which is owned by Disney. The production cost was about  $60 million. A fraction of all those “Avenger” movies (I believe “Age of Ultron” was tallied at about $250 million…c’mon $50 mil went to Tony Stark himself…Robert Downey). At this writing they’re about $140 mil domestic. That beat out the oh so popular “Fifty Shades of Gray” from last year. Congratulations. Barf (on both movies). I doubt “Deadpool” will do that well overseas, since it’s a lot of American humor and we annoy the shit out of people, but who knows, since we also ram our tastes down the throats of every country. Don’t know the censor policies in Indonesia, but I doubt hooker humor and Wham! is going to ring true to third world country sensibility. Unless their children are still making the t-shirts for ironic stores.
Disney washed their hands of anything of this type of violence and sex. To my surprise I notice they’d sold it to 20th Century Fox. Dumb mistake, but whatever. The Mouse will prevail in the end, but you have to wonder if heads roll when things like that happen. The other side of it is the finish on the movie. I notice a bunch of guys at my company had did the finish on it. To my knowledge we’d lost the Marvel account since the colorist who did ALL Marvel’s movies left in a huff. I’m sure when The Avengers movies did well, he had a self satisfied look on his face. He REALLY hated that my original company had overtaken his and he left peeved to a different post facility, dragging Marvel with him. That’s what happens a lot. Production don’t really care that much about company, they will go with talent, if the director or cinematographer has a relationship with them. I can’t tell you if this guy is seething due to the success of “Deadpool” being a Marvel title and the Mouse dropping it. But I know, if he’s a professional, it’s not like he’s doing cartwheels.
There is an unspoken sense between these guys that are driven by ego. Honestly, I don’t think the success of one film has anything to do with where they finish the movie. But I get a sense of satisfaction if I‘m involved at all. I get the superstitious part, or what facility will cater to them. The satisfaction is that the people really liked it. No matter what.
My theory of “Deadpool” is that…well as I was filing into the theater, I noticed Dads bringing their sons to the theater. Hip, young dads who were tagging along with their sons. Didn’t see many fathers and daughters. Then it occurred to me…this is that movie where divorced/deadbeat dad can look like a rock star. The one shred of crumb they can throw their kid that their mom can’t. Or won’t. I didn’t see mother and sons. If we’re to talk demographics, moms aren’t trying to buy love. Or prove how cool they are. Unless they’re miserable substance abusers. Mothers don’t need to do what weekend dad has to. Because of our fractured society, it probably was a no-brainer this movie did well, with say…men in their 30’s?
Back to my point, Disney left money on the table, as did anyone involved. I’m pretty sure they’ll stand by their moral code of not dealing with “R” rated movies aren’t their thing (as they use to pass this off to that shadow Touchstone Pictures). It’s not like Disney didn’t already clean up with THAT space movie (psst…”Star Wars”). The world rights itself. I’ve always contended, Hollywood makes hits to cover the misses (and the missus). If you were to account all of them, it’s more than likely most major studios seem to break even (if box office v. budget is to be believed). Karma.

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