Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Constable Is Repon-stable

BBC reported a prisoner by the name of Sarah Reed has died in her jail cell. She was first mentioned in 2012 for having been arrested for shoplifting. Then seen on camera being beaten by a bobby. That's English for a cop. The cop was kicked out and had to do community service for excessive force.
Beat this!

Four years later, Sarah is dead in a jail cell. Now...forgive me for asking but... the video, it seems she's a little...reluctant to comply with police. So the officer is attempting to forcibly detained her with cuffs. That's when the melee occurs.

Now years later she is dead. For what? No one knows. Only that the case that was more media worthy was the cop got fired for his actions. What was she doing BACK in custody. Prison, no less.
I'm not sure if I've told stupid criminals this...A) DON'T FUCKING STEAL B) DON'T FUCKING SWING AT COP.

Now I get a bunch of you civil liberties folks say one doesn't justify the other. Hell, I would LOVE more than anything to swing at a cop. They're smug assholes, that when they got you, they think they can outsmart you. Personally, it's my contention that most are dumb fucking idiots that make me MORE scared of cops. AND, they have a badge to do bad stuff to you versus you doing bad stuff to them. I made many mistakes thinking a cop is there to protect you. It's to draw a line between society that want to do harm versus those who just have a live and let live attitude. We've stopped the basic common sense of reality. Which is, cops are authority. You know how many times I've seen a young buck cop roll up on me and I just want to kick him in the gonads and run. I fucking don't. It's not flexing my civil liberties. It's making sure my fellow American this dude rolls up on next doesn't arm tackle your dumbasses. In short, my experience will only benefit society IF I comply. And fuck you idiots who say that your rights are being stepped on by the law. There is a difference between true police brutality and INSTIGATING police violence. These morons who don't figure it out, make it difficult for us all. Black/White/Yellow it doesn't matter. We should be just looking out for each other. I'm sure the idiots who are outraged by Reed's death don't realize she made our lives much more difficult.

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