Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Chinese New Year!

Year of the Monkey.

So if this is your year, do something. Because you will succeed at it, so the superstition goes.
DeMarcus Cousins doesn't like it.
He's an NBA basketball player who thinks a zillion year old culture had it planned to be calling Blacks "monkeys."

A few things that really hurt this cause...1) it's the Chinese being included in a sport. Chinese have money to support their sport 2) you're the only one who associated it with being called a monkey. In other words, you just drew MORE attention to the fact that you SHOULD be called a monkey.

It's funny how very little of the outrage of when the Chinese basketball team were mocked by the slanty eyed gesture by Olympic host country Spain years ago, and there wasn't that much of a deal. I understand if you're stung by the insinuation about being called a monkey. That's terrible if it is directed at you. But it is on the zodiac and has nothing to do with Black culture. Unless...of course, you're saying the NBA is predominantly Black culture, in which case, maybe a more diverse conversation can be had about requirements of Asian coaches and players.

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