Friday, February 26, 2016

The Old Film Git

I am a film whore. I mean, film film. Like negative. Kodak film whore.
I will spend money I don’t really want to spend, to stockpile film. I’m not sure why, since I wouldn’t be described as a hoarder. But by definition a person who collects a lot of anything with the notion it may be needed in the future is a hoarder.
Anyway, so I traded my services as a film scanner for…film. I’d want to call it free. But it’s not. Technically, my services would cost well over tens of thousands of dollars. If I don’t do a lot of this pro bono for friends anyway. This was a dude I met on a forum talking about film.
I was the first to approach this deal. You got some rawstock, I can scan film that you’ve already made. See, he’s a director. And without being a total jerk, he’s a TERRIBLE director. A great filmmaker, terrible director. I’ve done this for him before. Scanned a print. Even though I asked him for the original camera negative. I was entrusted with a movie that took place in a galaxy far far away, you think I could be trusted with an under $1 million project of this dude who used his wife as a cameraman. I applaud his ingenuity, bristle at the demands.
He is very much like me. Except in his 70’s. Most likely would trade his home (which I’m sure he did) his family, and everything not nailed down to make movies. His sacrifice, I will never know. But I do know the importance of what everything means to him. Note: A Fucking Lot! I put myself in his position. Would I feel comfortable handing my baby to a stranger, in hopes that stranger doesn’t drown it in a bath?
So I get an email relenting his project for me to do a little at a time. He’s not allowed to supervise due to our massive security issues in place. It’s an industry to steal movies if you aren’t Disney or Marvel or…wait, they’re the same people. The email is…well, kinda’ charming at the same time pathetic. He basically reveals that he trusts me not to copy his movie to a drive and attempt to sell online.
Charming, in that he trusts me, pathetic that I would even consider selling his steaming pile of shit. It’s shit. But it’s his shit…I mean dream. And therein lies the truth of movies. We really have to be honest with our abilities. Or you become a 70 year old man paranoid of people trying to rip off your garbage. I’ve better things to do, such as…make my own steaming pile of shit. But…it’s ridiculous that he’s still in that mindset, people are this unscrupulous in this town. I don’t blame him. As I’ve said in the past, people here are shitbags. To turn a quarter from a penny is enough reason to do something. And we’re illogical when it comes to ripping off a steaming pile of shit. In war, bullets have no names. In movies, steaming piles of shit have no fingerprints.

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