Saturday, September 10, 2016

Wedding Photos

The reason why I don't really do wedding photography is because it is really difficult to make look right and interesting. There really is no way, because...I'm not sure why. I think it's like headshots, you have locked into...a specific that people want.

So it goes without saying that I really really REALLY dislike. Unless it's for a really great friend/family. I think also, because things are on the move. I've watched many a tag-team husband wife team REALLY nail it. They are moving all the time. They know exactly where things need to be, BUT, christ almighty is is work. I know most professionals charge a TON to get these people. But, to be honest, there are a handful...simply a handful that people look at anyway. I don't have the skill set to do that type of photography, because I need people to stop and think about what they're doing. On the day of your wedding...there is no way you're thinking about me. And that's perfectly fine. Because it's stressful. SO many dramas pop up where you didn't even realize there was going to be drama. It sucks. And I know why they get paid top dime. I am actually sad for a lot of those types of shooters, because I know they want to please the bridge a LOT. I mean...A LOT. She is ultimately the one who decides if she's happy with the way she looks. Most of the time, I can't imagine they're ever happy. And if it comes down to the business, it is word of mouth.

There is also the very interesting caveat of wedding photography which believes that no one really looks at these images get divorce or a spouse dies. Yes...kinda. I've had some engagement photos I've sent blown up to poster size, which I was shocked, shocked! to see in their living room. They look really dapper, and was surprised they used my shitty down-resolution image to print. I'm not fishing for compliment here, it was low resolution. But it STILL looked good. Why? Shoot on film. Digital would've been too clean. Film gave it...well, a vintage look. I guess that's "in" now.

I love photographing my friends though. If they're willing victims...I mean subjects. The rigamarole of filming is hard on your brain though. I waffle a lot because the light moves and what you think would make a great photo sometimes comes out looking like total shit. Then you have to move. And people have to feel uneasy or lose confidence in you. I guess that's why they shoot a ton of digital images for weddings. SO they CAN weed out the ones that don't work.

I've seen enough wedding photos now that seem to make me cringe at the style. I'm pretty much a shooting gallery, which seems a bit too stilted sometimes. Posed...kinda' works. We'll see.

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