Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Garry Marshall

One of the least appreciated directors ever.
Garry started out in television creating "Happy Days" and "Laverne and Shirley" then, at the age of 47 segued into feature directing.
He's not a showy dide...though in commentaries you would believe he would be wild and gregarious. Which he was. But it was never like you would think a director handled himself. He was a family man and yet...often corny, he was a good guy.
He wasn't a weirdo for weirdo sake like Werner Herzog or Stanley Kubrick. He rarely considered Method acting as serious acting. And he never suffered mental cases...or junkies like a Heath Ledger. In short...he just treated making movies as a job and loved to entertain.
Many young folk unfortunately now are saddled with the awful "holiday" movies he created in his dying years. Though...if I knew I was on my way out...I would want to surround myself with a less than stressful project with pretty women. Speaking of which...who else could've turned a dark hooker tale into a super hit. He was smart enough that Julia Roberts needed to end up with Richard Gere regardless of how many dicks have been in her mouth.
When Garry Marshall passed...a little bit of my joy for sitcoms died. I remember his shows were in line with my own silly sense of humor. A goofball with a heart.

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