Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Film Festivals

I know it’s unfair.
I had the resources of…post work done by people who’ve colored professional grade feature films. I’m saying “Transformers” & “Spectre” or “Star Wars” caliber. So, I can only say…it’s similar to when a person at karaoke knows they’re really good but shows up at karaoke to sing. Everyone knows they should be professional but are “slumming.” It’s unfair. It’s not an ego thing to say that. But I get access to people who have standards that have to be billion dollar quality. Even as I spent less than a few thousands of dollars to make mine.
I didn’t think I’d enjoy a film festival, but it’s actually fun. Never mind it does nothing for me. And that I know the hopes of a lot of people (including the massive breasted girl who sat in the front row who was the actress of the first short we saw) are doing this as a calling card to be discovered. In some way.
Let’s face it, JJ Abrams isn’t going to pluck any of us out of the pack. So, this…to many, is the pinnacle of their filmmaking lives. I really don’t have the aspirations to helm a million dollar production. As I don’t think I have the chops to sustain that workflow…yet. But I do enjoy working a job that allows me to putter around with a muse. I know people who solely do this to gain traction in the industry rely on any exposure. I simply enjoy the bits and pieces I get to do.
I consider myself very very fortunate and blessed that I have talent that surrounds me. Though I often drop the ball. It’s so comforting to realize that people do look out for my interest, even if I don’t sense where my interests lies.
The other day I asked my friend...why did you get into making movies? What’s in it for you? I suppose the constant answer is the attention one gets from these things. Glory perhaps. The ability to manipulate. To ascend to where others hope to. Guide emotions, whether it be thrill, scare or sadden. It’s a very powerful tool. Or maybe give hope where it’s needed. If we’re to dissect a movie that transcends it all…say something like “Star Wars” it’s simply giving someone escape for a few minutes of their lives. To answer some questions or give someone so much to think about. I’ve often questioned my own bullshit when watching a movie…say about the civil rights movement. If someone can get you to admit you’re wrong…then you can move on with life. If someone can sidestep their past and move on with living…that’s okay. If the movie speaks to you…and you find comfort…I’m proud of what I was able to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if any of these reasons are why you got into making movies. If it’s just to make money…then you’ll have a long wait. If you really love the craft, I wish you the best.

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