Friday, September 23, 2016

Cops Are Dicks To Everyone

It's that Stanford experiment. You put a badge and a gun in any person's being and tell them they are in's not brain surgery that some will take it to the next level. Use to be, there were next to zero evidence when it came to police brutality. I've never been arrested but have been pulled over plenty of times. My first reaction is to get all uppity. As I'm older, it's hard to take young cops seriously. Because they do come up all hard on you. Makes you really have to check your emotions. So I get it. A macho guy will have issues. Those issues turns to incidents.

Do police need to change or do we? I'm not sure. I know we need to stop the specifically Black thing. Cops are dicks to everyone. They're just authority figures, like...that asshole gym teacher who made you do laps...and then shower with him...I

So, we naturally hate these people. And they hate us. Because most of us are dicks right back. It starts in the home where a kid can mouth off to authority nowadays. Yeah, I've said it before. A backhand does wonders to kids who deserve it. But society says this is barbaric. So is being gunned down in the street for not listening. And thinking cops are out to get ya'.

This whole thing about how we need to have an open discussion about police brutality. I thought that's what we were doing. It's not working. I think this discussion needs to somewhat be one-sided. LISTEN to a fucking cop and say "please" and "no sir, yes sir." It does fucking wonders.

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